The Tod’s Group obtains Certification for Gender Equality

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The Tod’s Group obtains Certification for Gender Equality

The certification was obtained thanks to policies aimed at promoting gender equality inside and outside the organization

The TOD’S Group, a leading luxury and Made in Italy brand, announces that it has obtained the Certification for Gender Equality for the entire Italian perimeter and that it has been recognized by the international standard UNI/PDR 125:2022 for its commitment to integrate Gender Equality policies within the company and promote them externally.

The certification was awarded at the end of an evaluation process conducted by Bureau Veritas, world leader in inspection, conformity verification and certification services, which was based on six key indicators for the TOD’S Group to achieve certification: culture and strategy, governance, human resources processes, opportunities for the growth and inclusion of women, gender pay equity and protection of parenthood and work-life balance. For all indicators, the Group has achieved the targets required by the certification, also through various initiatives developed to encourage the integration of the principles of diversity, equity and inclusion in the company. Among these, the Group’s decision to sign the Charter for Equal Opportunities and Equality at Work, sponsored by the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies and promoted by the Sodalitas Foundation, which represents a declaration of commitment to adopting policies inclusive of resources human rights, and the Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs) promoted by UN Women and the United Nations Global Compact, with the aim of encouraging equal conditions for women in the world of work and in communities in general. Furthermore, thanks to the training program on the topics of Diversity, Equality & Inclusion offered by the Group in 2023, it was possible to provide approximately 600 hours of training dedicated to gender equality, female empowerment and overcoming gender bias. A path that the TOD’S Group has decided to continue during 2024, to continue its commitment to creating an inclusive working environment.

Alongside these, there are also interventions for the well-being of its people, starting with the Welfare Plan, launched in 2008 to offer a series of goods and services aimed at supporting the conciliation between professional and personal life and in the fields of health, sport, of culture, education and social security. Virtuous projects carried out in the awareness that the success of the TOD’S Group strictly depends on the satisfaction of the people who work there and that makes employee well-being one of the main objectives to be pursued, to generate value in the long term.

“For us, diversity, equity and inclusion mean not just ensuring that women can benefit from our initiatives, but that they can guide them by actively participating in company management,” underlines Diego Della Valle, President and CEO of Tod’s S.p.A. “For a long time we have had programs related to welfare and family support, with the aim of optimizing the balance between work and private life for our employees”.

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