Chloé presented the new Gayia Eyewear collection, created under the creative direction of Gabriela Hearst. The event, hosted by Kering Eywear, took place over a whole day at the Cercle Lebrun, a historic 18th century building surrounded by a wonderful private garden.
In line with their social and environmental commitment, founded on transparency and responsibility, Chloé and Kering Eyewear engaged guests in an in-depth discussion on the role of fashion in promoting a meaningful transformation – a principle closely connected to the nature of the new Gayia line.
The collection of eyeglasses and sunglasses is entirely made with unique combinations of ReAce, a material exclusively for Kering Eyewear, made with reconditioned pre-consumer acetate waste with the aim of recovering and reusing existing resources for an impact. positive on the planet. These models – distinguished by the engraving of the Gayia Manifesto – include vintage-inspired square shapes, pilot frames and round silhouettes, both in timeless colors such as black and Havana and in a range of exclusive seasonal shades.
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