Interview: Berit Heitmann

Fashion, Interview, Top Stories

Interview: Berit Heitmann

Which was the first picture that someone took of you ? Did you understand that you would become a model?

My first professional photoshoot took place in my moms friends photography shop when I was 4 years old. The pictures were displayed in snow globes and playful frames all over the shop window & I loved it haha! Since then a lot of people told me I should try modeling so when I turned 16 I gave it shot!

Which is the first rule you’ve learnt working as a model ? 

“Don‘t do anything you‘re not comfortable with!“ As a model you always push your limits to create outstanding photographs and meet/exceed the whole teams expectations. But no job in the world is worth sacrificing your boundaries! Luckily I’ve got an army of agents that got my back on this one.

How do you reconcile your life with your work ?

Modeling is my priority and it requires a lot of flexibility so I have to plan everything else around it: University and my blog give my daily life structure on off days. I surprisingly still have time to socialize and pursue my hobbies whenever I want. The modeling life definitely taught me to be spontaneous and seize every moment!

What is your connection with fashion?

As a kid I loved playing designer and drawing outfits – it was and still is a form of selfexpression. I have to admit that since I started modeling I lost touch with fashion itself simply because I got overwhelmed with all the different aesthetics, endless possibilities and everchanging trends. But now I slowly but steadily regained trust into my own fashion choices and am ready to explore my identity via fashion. I want to let the places I visited and people I met shape my style longtime rather than follow shortterm trends!

Do you use social media ? You cannot live without it…or sometimes you prefer to be “off line”?

I can’t imagine living without instagram! Sometimes it gives me inspiration for new projects sometimes it’s just stealing my time to actually turn these projects into reality… Therefore I’m trying to focus more on creating content and socializing rather than simply consuming. I’ve never tried taking a social media break but maybe I should try it!

What are your favorite hobbies ?

My absolute favorite hobby is crafting especially building next level advent calendars for my dad! I just love the creative process of planning a piece, figuring out ways to turn it into reality, learn about materials & invent mechanisms and finally have a real physical product to present!
I‘d consider myself an artsy person in general since my other hobbies are reading, writing, drawing & acting. I also love a good game of Monopoly!

The weirdest or funniest thing happened on a set ?

The funniest things always happen after the shoot when the team comes together for a dinner and we rewind on all the awkward situations that happened during the day!

What’s the thing you like the most about your job and what you don’t like ?

The thing I like most about my job is how is how much freedom it gives me in every single part of my life but especially in terms of traveling!
The only thing I don’t like about my job is how much it affects my private life. I can only plan 48hrs ahead & there is always something urgent sliding in.

What do you think of the climatic situation in which we find ourselves? Our planet must be protected. Is your lifestyle sustainable?

Well, traveling around so much definitely isn’t sustainable but I’m trying hard to compensate it by a plant-focused diet & making lots of sustainable switches in my everyday life and investing green.

How and where do you imagine yourself in 15 years?

15 years from now I want to be on at the premier of a new movie I filmed & watch it with my favorite people and afterwards return to a peaceful home close by a lake. An acting career is my ultimate dream since I was 3 years old!


Calvin Klein
Photographer: Annemarieke Van Drimmelen
Creative Director: Cedric Murac
Makeup: Siddhartha Simone

Photographer: David Sims
Stylist: Ludivine Poiblanc
Hair Stylist: Paul Hanlon
Makeup: Diane Kendal

Photographer: Niko Schmid-Burgk
Stylist: Silja Lange
Hair & Makeup: Uli Wissel

Vogue Italia
Photographer: Sebastian Faena
Stylist: Tonne Goodman
Hair Stylist: Sebastian Bascle
Makeup: Lili Choi

Vogue Russia
Photographer: Magnus Magnusson
Stylist: Sarah Gore Reeves
Hair Stylist: Philip Fohlin

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