CHANEL and le19M Chair in Fashion Savoir-Faire

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CHANEL and le19M Chair in Fashion Savoir-Faire

The launch of this chair took place at Institut Français de la Mode in the presence of Bruno Pavlovsky and Xavier Romatet, Managing Director of Institut Français de la Mode.

Maison CHANEL and the Institut Français de la Mode are joining forces to create a chair entitled “Chaire CHANEL et le19M des Savoir-Faire de la Mode”, housed by the IFM Foundation. This five-year partnership aims to create a center for research and teaching excellence in fashion know-how, within a benchmark international school.

“The creation of this Chair is in line with Chanel’s desire to preserve and develop the traditional and living know-how of the Crafts and fashion professions, which contribute to the influence of Paris and of France at the foreigner. Our objective is to continue to pass on knowledge of this exceptional heritage, both in its historical, cultural and societal dimensions ”, explains Bruno Pavlovsky, President of the Fashion Activities of CHANEL, President of CHANEL SAS and President of the Executive Committee of the Institut Français Foundation. of fashion.

In fact, since the acquisition of the designer Desrues in 1985, CHANEL has been committed to the sustainability and development of the Crafts, which today represent nearly 40 Houses and Manufactures. Embroiderers, plumassiers, paruriers, silversmiths, pleaters, bootmakers, hatters, glove makers, leatherworkers, tanners, weavers, finishers, these privileged partners of the luxury industry located in Paris, France, Italy, Spain and Scotland employ more six thousand six hundred people of all generations at the service of the creation of CHANEL and other big names in fashion.

The French Fashion Institute, for its part, wishes to strengthen its research work in the service of the educational excellence offered to its 1,000 students. This Chair will investigate the field of Crafts and analyze their contribution to the tradition and innovations of the fashion industry. It will also make it possible to raise awareness among students of the French Fashion Institute, future players in the industry, of professions that are too little known today.

also check: Chanel: In the library with Anne Berest

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