CHANEL J12 New Face

Jewellery, Video

CHANEL J12 New Face

Chanel Reveals The New Face Of J12: Margot Robbie
Everything has always been about seconds for a House created by a woman who knew how to follow her instincts. The instinct of the moment when everything is decided.

Whether it is the longest second of a lifetime on the day of an important decision, or preparing a soft-boiled egg with perfect culinary precision, catching an airplane or missing a taxi, our existence is a succession of milestones that are of no coincidence.

The J12 is the watch for these milestones, and the perfect accompaniment for every second. In this campaign for the most iconic CHANEL watch, nine iconic women share their personal experiences about a second that changed their lives.

Everything is a story of seconds for a woman who is in touch with her life and with this intimate timepiece that can shape destiny in a few seconds. The J12 is the watch for this woman.

In 2021, Margot Robbie joins the faces of the iconic CHANEL J12 watch campaign initiated in 2019.

“It feels incredibly special to be alongside such inspiring women in this campaign. Embodying the J12 watch to me is acknowledging and appreciating time.“


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