Tyson Reeder X Celine Homme


Tyson Reeder X Celine Homme

Tyson Reeder work “Autobahn” has been printed on several pieces from the CELINE Homme Summer 2021 collection The Dancing Kid – A Teen Romance -

Shorts, sneakers, hoodie, jackets, tee-shirt, bucket hat & tennis shoes – available on e-commerce and selected stores.

Tyson Reeder (b. 1974) is an american artist whose paintings show the sweet strangeness in the everyday. Based in Chicago, he paints vivid pastel scenes that reveal there is always more to see. In autobahn, the curving road that’s busy with chopper bikes is a small detail, compared to the glory of the wild trees that fill the canvas. In sunset van, a rainy street is brought to life by the unreal sunset depicted on the side of a vehicle. Reeder is also a curator, and he sees all his work as gathering together sources or sounds to say something new.

“I love using painting as a kind of amplifier or distortion pedal,” he says, “where a handful of dead-end subjects – trees, cars, buildings – are allowed to sing a new song of wilfully arbitrary color and pattern.”

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