Max Mara FW21


Max Mara FW21

Britannic style with an Italian accent; authentic, sometimes eccentric. It’sbeen a recurring theme at Max Mara right from the start and it’s the backboneof the anniversary collection.

A fanfare, a drum roll, a salute; a cavalcade, a jubilee, a coronation. Triumphantand unstoppable, striding through the festive, flag-lined city streets, the MaxMara woman is a self-made queen.

She’s come a long way since 1951. Achille Maramotti declared that when hefounded Max Mara, his sights were on ‘the wives of the local notaries and doc- tors’. He chose well. Those stalwart women went on to get jobs of their own;they rose and rose, and Max Mara went with them.

Britannic style with an Italian accent; authentic, sometimes eccentric. It’sbeen a recurring theme at Max Mara right from the start and it’s the backboneof the anniversary collection.

Max Mara’s young queen brings the scent of thewild, windy, heather-clad moors to the city. She’s the kind of woman who han- dles anything that life throws at her calmly, capably, and with insouciant gla- mour. Picture her galloping across that rugged landscape on horseback ormarching, with her favourite dogs at heel. Picture her at the wheel of a truck,fixing an engine, or handling a helicopter with perfect ease.

Essential kit features Max Mara’s voluminous new bombers designed to layerup over just about anything, and ‘thornproof’ jackets with multiple pockets, insoftest alpaca. Max Mara’s trademark camel hair is fashioned into dia- mond-quilted jackets –the wadding is camel hair too. She wears them withkilts that sit slouchily on the hips, chunky socks and sturdy walking shoes. Andto complete the urban-county mix, there are impeccably tailored suits in tat- tersall checks, chic graphic tartans, oversize aran knits, velvet elbow patchesand jaunty jabots in organza.

The jewel in her crown is her Max Mara coat, of course. In cuddlesome teddy,long haired camel, or sleek drap, it’s the perfect harmony of volume, propor- tion, balance, construction and finish.

How to describe that seventy year ascent to the top? Thrilling, exhilarating,epic? Yes, all of those, but the astonishing advertising graphics commissio- ned by Max Mara in its first decade sum it all up in a single character: a simpleexclamation mark.

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