Louis Vuitton SS21

Fashion, Main Story

Louis Vuitton SS21

This is but the beginning of a reflection that is open, stimulating and fundamentally conscious…

Stepping into a territory that is still stylistically vague. A sensitive zone that erases gender and promises exponential creative possibilities. What does an in-between garment look like? What kind of cut can dissolve masculine and feminine? What wardrobe might s/he look good in? A fascinating new exploration for fashion, and the promise of a great journey that Louis Vuitton sets out to discover by abolishing these last boundaries. Finding expression in a landscape that is tenuous and vast, but also neutral: giving it colour, forging its character, inciting radicality, giving it personality.

This is but the beginning of a reflection that is open, stimulating and fundamentally conscious…


check also: Cindy Sherman at the Fondation Louis Vuitton

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