The new brand to follow in antiage reserch: Skin689


The new brand to follow in antiage reserch: Skin689

Skin689 stands for highly effective skin preparations produced exclusively in Switzerland.

The CHacoll® anti-cellulite cream stimulates the formation of collagen fibers in the subcutaneous tissue and attacks the fat cells, thus smoothing the surface of the skin and improving its elasticity. The same patented CHacoll® primary active ingredient that stimulates collagenesis is present in the Firm Skin Hand and Finger: a rejuvenating hand and finger cream developed together with Professor Sven Gohla of the University of Zurich.

The Firm Skin Decollété and Neck Cream contains, instead, the complex of COAXL ™ active ingredients, composed of coenzyme A, L-carnitine and caffeine, in combination with crocus bulb extract, which stimulate the regeneration of the collagen and elastin network. skin, resulting in more elasticity and less visible wrinkles.

The Firm Skin Upper Arms Emulsion provides a cosmetic firming of the upper and lower arms, which fights the “flabby arms” thanks to the combination of the active ingredients CHacoll®, COAXL ™ and DermCom® which improves the synthesis of collagen and elastin.

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