NAMACHEKO presents series of images: contradictory of young individuals


NAMACHEKO presents series of images: contradictory of young individuals


  Siblings duo Dilan and Lezar Lurr – designers behind Belgian menswear label Namacheko. Born in Iraqi Kurdistan and raised in Sweden borther-and-sister mix and combine different details from their Kurdish heritage and European upbringing into simple and smart designs.  
Having studied art and engineering, the siblings have combined their ideas and found the way to work in fashion. Classics personify contrasts and experimentation present an unique individual menswear collection.

Designers Dilan and Lezar Lurr present series of images photographed by the Dilan Lurr at his Alma mater, the faculty of Architecture at Lunds’ University in Sweden.
According to the cognitive experience of being at University, these pictures present like a specific meet between totally different personalities in one course. Acts of constructing friendships and the indulgence found within the competitive nature of being a student intersect with the youthful beauty exceptional to that age.

In this wear you can easily feel formality against the backdrop of a strict white space lined with conference chairs. Nevertheless, the ambiance is subverted by the playfulness defining this period of time in the individuals’ lives. According to inspiration of the world of cinema, the actions and the movement, this collection invite us to experience the ongoing plays in the daily lives of the students, their heaviness. Inspired by the world of cinema, the actions and the movement, coming of age and gleefulness.

More about Namacheko: @namacheko