#MYEVENBETTER is the new Clinique Campaign with real people


#MYEVENBETTER is the new Clinique Campaign with real people


 After online casting Cliniqueitalia starts a new campaign called #MYEVENBETTER. It’s a totally new way to communicate and present their products through real people.
This company is focused and presents their best-seller Even Better Foundation. One of the main intention is to get closer to clients and show that real people are not only in television, computers screens or glossy magazines but also all people we are surrounded by. People who buy and use Cliniqueitalia products are especially those who live the same lifestyle as we do: in a hurry to the trains, going to the supermarkets or just taking their kids to schools.

For this campaign 24 people were selected to present #MYEVENBETTER Foundation. Here women and men of different ages, ethnic and somatic characteristics agreed that beauty is not only a perfect models, faces created in all medias but also real people.

The main idea of this project and brand is effectiveness and purity. Cliniqueitalia is very known because of  big assortment, from an ethnic point of view and it’s especially getting stronger in Italy.

Perfect effect of Even Better Foundation is combined with Vitamin C and other antioxidant ingredients that make the skin become smoother every day.
Videos and photos will be shown soon online in their website and partners’ outlets for sale.