How To Get The Most Out Of Your Existing Wardrobe

How To Get The Most Out Of Your Existing Wardrobe


Are you frustrated by the fact that you have so many clothes and seemingly nothing to wear? Do you dread the process of sorting through your closet? Would you like to make a change for the better? If your answer to these questions is yes, now is the time to take control of your existing wardrobe. Before you buy any more items, you need to make sure that you are unlocking your closet’s full potential. If you are wondering how to do this, you will need to take on board the following eight steps. Hopefully, they will help you to see your wardrobe in a new light and to fall back in love with the garments you already own.

Rearrange the contents of your closet
First things first, you will need to rearrange the contents of your closet. This is a fantastic opportunity for you to work out what you own. It is also the perfect chance for you to identify any items that you need to get rid of. If you are wondering how to approach this task, it is important that you go all in. Instead of moving around a couple of tops, you need to pull out all of your possessions. Then, you need to think carefully about how you are going to reposition them. Perhaps you could divide your closet into seasons. Or, maybe you could color code your garments. Whatever you decide, the most important thing is that you have easy access to all of your items. This will simplify the process of you putting together exciting outfits, even when you are in a rush.

Take control of your figure
The next step is to take control of your figure. This is an especially important step to take if your closet is filled with items that you no longer fit into. Rather than kidding yourself, you need to confront this issue head-on. Either you pass on the garments to a new home, or you work hard to lose those stubborn few pounds. Don’t worry; this process is easier than you would think. You can simply try out the hard boiled egg diet for fast results. Find a diet plan, and exercise routine that works for you and be patient, as putting in the hard work will be worth it. Then, you will suddenly find yourself with an increased number of options. You will also experience a rush of self-confidence, which will certainly come in handy when you are trying out daring looks and stepping outside of your comfort zone.

Customize your garments
If you are a creative person, you should embrace the opportunity to customize your garments. Before giving any of your old clothes away, you should look out for ways to breathe new life into them. This could involve anything from tie-dying your white shirts to transforming your jeans into a pair of shorts. If you are struggling for inspiration, why not search through online blog posts? You could also scroll through social media and visit inspiration sites such as Pinterest.

Invest in your accessories
Another important step is to invest in your accessories. The right accessory can completely transform an outfit, so you shouldn’t underestimate just how vital this step is. If you are on the lookout for exciting and affordable pieces, you should pay a visit to your local thrift stores. You should also keep your eyes peeled for vintage emporiums and flea markets.
This is a fantastic way for you to get your hands on distinctive pieces that will really stand out. Buying second hand will also leave you with more money to play with, so you won’t have to hold back on your purchases. It really is a win-win situation!

Organize a clothes swap
You can also keep a handle on your costs by organizing a clothes swap. Although this will involve bringing new items into your wardrobe, you won’t actually have to spend any money. You can simply swap your old garments with your friends and family. If you decide to push forward with this plan, just remember to establish plenty of ground rules. You need to make sure that all of your loved ones are bringing along quality pieces. Otherwise, some of your guests could arrive with luxury items and leave with piles of bad quality clothing. It is also essential that you invite as many stylish people as possible. This will increase your chances of finding garments that you can treasure for years to come.

Find new sources of inspiration
Whilst there are a number of benefits to bringing in new items to your closet, you can also increase your options by finding new sources of inspiration. Take a look through your favorite fashion magazines, blog sites, and online retailers. Try to find stylish individuals that you can learn from. There could be someone with a minimalist closet. Or, there might be someone who knows just how to combine designer purchases with high street items. Alternatively, you could find a new style icon who loves to break the rules. They could completely transform your attitude towards putting your outfits together.

Break all the rules
Even if you don’t find a style icon to fire up your imagination, you should still give serious thought to breaking all the rules. Your choice of clothing is a great way for you to express yourself, so it is important that you don’t hold back. Why not push yourself to experiment with bold prints, clashing colors, and a mixture of materials? This won’t always be successful, but there may be times when you are happy with your finished results. You never know, there might be random items in your closet that actually belong together. However, you will only find this out if you embrace an alternative mind set.

Place a limit on your shopping sprees
Finally, you should place a limit on your shopping sprees. If you have a passion for fashion, this may sound like a nightmare. However, holding back for a couple of months will force you to evaluate your current possessions. It will also give you time to work out what it is you really need. Then, when you return to your shopping sprees, you will have a set list of items to buy.