Inside the Vermeuil-en-Halatte ateliers a movie told about Chanel handbags savoir-faire.
The CHANEL handbag is an icon, a pure concentrate of dreams, of history, of a luxury meticulously fashioned. The 11.12 bag, in richly embroidered tweed or playful in coloured transparent PVC, illustrates a mood, a desire and travels through time, essential to every silhouette. The last-born, CHANEL’s GABRIELLE handbag, is, just like its predecessors, both practical and elegant. Its volume, its suppleness fitted on a rigid base and its strap allowing for multiple ways of wearing it, distinguishes it from the other bags of the House. The Boy CHANEL bag reveals a taste for the masculine/feminine at CHANEL, Gabrielle Chanel’s own borrowings from menswear and notably the hunter’s cartridge belts she wore over the shoulder and which provided direct inspiration. Finally, a vanity case and a camera case with their original shapes swathed in exotic leathers or charms.
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