




International Fashion and High Jewelery meet Palermo Capital of Italian Culture 2018 in an unprecedented story within the city walls. A universe full of seduction is revealed, surprising, dynamic, contemporary. The iris and mimosa light up at Villa Niscemi, while the Prince *, in love with comets, tells of his “stars”. One and two and three and four, the long and light steps touch the majolica by beating time and up and down and above and below until the space expands and evaporates. But it is in the Historical Archive that time is free of its identity and embraces the “Beauty” as splendid as a diamond and as light as silk. In the garden of wonder at the Casina Chinese water and sky flow together, merge and chase each other in a festive game that does not find shelter. Not far from the top of the towers, deceptive as a plot, the sea water shines deeper and deeper in the ancient ramparts that defend the city, Spasimo has only the infinite for its roof. Everything so resumes its inclination, everything returns to its place. Everything is CONNECTED.

* Giulio Fabrizio Tomasi di Lampedusa, great-grandfather of Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa and historical figure to whom the writer took inspiration for the protagonist of the Leopard. Giulio Tomasi was an aristocrat with a vast culture and also an amateur astronomer.

La Moda internazionale e l’alta gioielleria incontrano Palermo Capitale della Cultura Italiana 2018 in un inedito racconto all’interno delle mura della città. Un universo ricco di seduzione si disvela, sorprendente, dinamico, contemporaneo. L’iris e la mimosa si accendono di luce a Villa Niscemi, mentre il Principe* innamorato delle comete, racconta delle “sue” stelle. Uno e due e tre e quattro, i passi lunghi e leggeri sfiorano le maioliche battendo il tempo e su e giù e sopra e sotto finchè lo spazio non si dilata ed evapora. Ma è all’Archivio Storico che il tempo si libera della sua identità e abbraccia la “Bellezza” splendida come un diamante e lieve come la seta. Nel giardino delle meraviglie alla Casina Cinese acqua e cielo confluiscono, si confondono e si inseguono in un gioco festoso che non trova riparo. Non molto lontano dall’alto delle torri, ingannevole come un intrigo, brilla sempre più in fondo l’acqua marina e negli antichi bastioni che difendono la città Lo Spasimo ha per tetto solo l’infinito. Ogni cosa così riprende la propria inclinazione, ogni cosa ritorna al suo posto. Tutto è CONNESSO.

*Giulio Fabrizio Tomasi di Lampedusa , bisnonno di Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa e figura storica a cui lo scrittore si inspirò per il protagonista del Gattopardo. Giulio Tomasi fu un aristocratico dotato di una vasta cultura e anche un astronomo dilettante.

Text:Antonella de Rinaldi

Fashion Editor: Gioia Gange

Photo: Fatos Vogli

Model: Alicia Weiland @ TheLab Models

Make Up: Michele Magnani  Global Senior Artist MAC Cosmetics @MACCosmeticsItalia

Hair: Salvo Cannizzaro

Editing : Bora Sipal

Production: Albamedia

Photo assistant: Alessandro Busetta

Production assistant: Chiara Figueroa

Thanks to: Città di Palermo

Official Partners:  TheLab ModelsMac Italia,  Cappello, Residenza Wagner,



Tod’s Gommino Bag, Wave bag, Double T cross body mini, fringes mocassins, jacket and shorts high tech fabric.

Tod’s high tech fabric jacket. Piaget Possession earrings and chocker.

Tod’s Gommino Bag

Antonio Grimaldi silk and organza dress, Piaget Rose earrings, ring and jewel watch.

Antonio Grimaldi silk and organza dress, Piaget Rose earrings, ring, watch.

Antonio Grimaldi silk and organza dress, Piaget Possession earrings, Rose ring, Jewel watch.

Antonio Grimaldi silk and organza dress, Piaget Possession earrings, Rose ring, Jewel watch.

Piaget Possession necklace and bangle.

Chanel lace pink dress and pvc boots and gloves.

Chanel lace pink dress and pvc boots and gloves.


Chanel lace pink dress and pvc boots and gloves.

Chanel cashmere and mixed fibres pink, white and silver dress and plastic hat.

Chanel cashmere and mixed fibres pink, white and silver dress,  pvc boots and hat, Gabrielle Hobo bag, tweed, pvc, patent calfskin, silver tone e gold tone metal, navy blue, black and white.

Max Mara yellow flowers organza dress.

Max Mara yellow flowers organza dress and pvc heel sandal.

Max Mara pvc heel.

Louis Vuitton The Party sunglasses.

Louis Vuitton, Archlight sneakers

Louis Vuitton, Capucines handbags.

Burberry, black cotton dress, side stripe checked trousers, checked shirt, checked pumps.

Burberry, black cotton dress, checked shirt, checked pumps.

Burberry, black cotton dress, side stripe checked trousers, checked shirt, checked pumps.

Burberry, Sandringham mid-length trench coat, checked pumps.

Burberry, Sandringham mid-length trench coat, checked pumps.