Check out the list of guests at Burberry’s event in LA

Check out the list of guests at Burberry’s event in LA


“Fashion is always at the forefront of our minds at PAPER–and there’s no greater proof of that than last night’s extravaganza in Los Angeles”

has written PAPER Magazine about them event.

25th October in Los Angeles PAPER Magazine celebrated Burberry’s September 2017 collection. This collection was revealed on the runway as part of London Fashion Week and is globally obtainable. Burberry’s September 2017 collection likewise eatures on the cover of PAPER’s latest issue with Duckie Thot.

Look on the list of guests who attended on the dinner at Pace in LA. As usual celebrities didn’t forget wear some pieces of them look from Burberry wardrobe.


Alana Haim and Mickey Boardman

Asa Taccone and Alana Haim

Charlie Oldman and Delilah Belle

Dylan Brosnan and Lucky Blue Smith

Markel Williams, Levi Dylan and Lucky Blue Smith

Markel Williams,  Myles O’Neal and Levi Dylan

Mickey Boardman,  Nyle DiMarco, Onion and Forrest Johnson

Elektra Kilbey and Miranda Kilbey

Forrest Johnson and Onion

Tali Lennox and Grace Pickering