More is love 7ll ss17

More is love 7ll ss17


More is love 7ll ss17

“Even as the world of today draws further and further from the one we once knew, it is historical Zubrowka of a distant yesterday that continues to occupy our deepest thoughts.” – Author.

Two of the latest collections of the brand revolve around distinctive visuals of Anderson’s movies. SS17 collection was inspired by Wes Anderson’s ‘The Grand Budapest Hotel’ (2004), while RESORT17 was built around ‘The Royal Tenenbaums’ (2001). Every item in SS17 collection is a reminder of a character or a scene from the movie. Whether it’s the bath scene when author meets the story teller or escape from jail, one can spot quite a strong parallel. The fictional worlds evoked in films by director have a precise colorization – the very particular pastel-hues that paint the skies, drench the buildings and dress the characters render Anderson’s dream – like atmosphere.