Hyères Festival 2015: The Winners

Hyères Festival 2015: The Winners


Hyères Festival 2015: The Winners

Eccovi i vincitori nelle rispettive categorie e tutti i premi dell’edizione appena conclusa del festival.

All the info: www.villanoailles-hyeres.com

The Grand Prix of the Jury Première Vision went to Annelie Schubert

Annelie Schubert Annelie Schubert

Annelie Schubert (Germany • France aprons, Womenswear)

«This is a highly thought out choice. Annelie Schubert presents a true silhouette, strong and clear. The details are subtle and the construction is discrete. The relationship between the fabrics and the colours is incredible. Annelie Schubert has taste and elegance. She has an endearing personality and is very sensitive, unpretentious, down to earth and fresh. »- The members of the jury

The prize consists of:

– a grant of 15,000 euros offered by Première Vision and a high level of visibility at both Première Vision New-York and Première Vision Paris shows

– a collaborative project with some of CHANEL’s Métiers d’art, up to 15,000 euros

– a collaboration with Petit Bateau on one or more of its emblematic products

The Chloé Prize went to Anna bornhold

ChloŽ Award Anna Bornhold

Anna Bornhold, Germany FASHION.IMITATION, Womenswear.

«This choice was clear for us: the unusual look and the nonchalance of her silhouette, its “coolitude.”»

The Chloé Prize is granted: – a grant of 15,000 euros

Winner oF the honourable mention From the jury on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Hyères Festival is Wieke Sinnige.

Wieke Sinnige Wieke Sinnige

Wieke Sinnige, Netherlands, SOFT SQUARES, Womenswear

«It is the artistic aspect of her collection that touched us, as well as the subtlety of the embroideries, the transparencies, the sense of light. We wanted to encourage her to continue in her work.»

La Mention spéciale is granted of a collaborative project with some of CHANEL’s Métiers d’art, up to 10,000 euros


Mercedes-Benz will invite one of the winning to showcase his or her collection during Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Berlin, in collaboration with the German edition of ELLE magazine. www.mercedes-benz.com/fashion

The Galeries Lafayette Group will offer a visibility to the award winning creations throughout the network of the Galeries Lafayette. www.galerieslafayette.com

EXCEPTION de MIXMIND will offer to Annelie Schubert solid opportunities of work and exposures in China, with projects on agreed topics.

Eyes on Talents invites the ten finalists of each category to have their page with profile and online portfolio on Eyes on Talents. The winners and finalists will benefit in addition with special communication towards Eyes on Talents member brands. www.eyesontalents.com

Puntoseta offers to all awarded designers an original printed fabric. www.puntoseta.com

Catwalk Pictures offers to Annelie Schubert the pictures of its next fashion show during Paris fashion week.

All of the selected candidates have benefit from the support of the Festival’s partners : original printed fabrics will be on offer by Puntoseta, crystals sponsored by Swarovski. Givaudan created a perfume for each of the ten competing designer.

Grand Prix of the Photography Jury is Sjoerd Knibbeler

AWARDS - EN.indd AWARDS - EN.indd

Sjoerd Knibbeler, Netherlands

CHANEL supports the Grand Prix of the Photography Jury, where the prize-winner will receive a donation of 15.000 euros.

«This work is a reflection on the limits of the medium of photography: how to photograph the seemingly unphotographiable. The winner tries to give shape to what we do not see, like wind, and he does it in a way that is both poetic and experimental, almost scientific, sometimes recalling the experiences of Etienne Jules Marey. In the same vein, he gives shape to projects that have never been done, and that he reconstitutes through models made of origami. We must add that he represents the young generation very well. His very coherent work, covering all the fields of photography, is accompanied by a video work that completes and illustrates his process. A particularly well executed, in fact impeccable, book, also participates in giving shape to his work.»

Special Prize of the Photography Jury is Evangelia Kranioti

AWARDS - EN.indd

Evangelia Kranioti, Greece.

CHANEL supports the Special Prize of the Photography Jury, on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Hyères Festival, where the prize-winner will receive a donation of 15.000 euros.

«The jury was unanimous in wishing to honour the film of Evangelia Kranioti. Her photographic work is in the cinematographic tradition. It is a long story put into images, that tells of Greece, wandering, the solitude of sailors and their loved ones. It is a long-term work, created over 9 years. We were touched by her perseverance, her tenacity and by the humanity of her oeuvre. We were truly enamoured by her work. »


DOTATIONS (Photography)

Evangelia Kranioti, Grèce

– Elie Saab: Evangelia Kranioti will be offered a commission of 6000 euros and an artistic residency of three weeks in Beirut to produce a series on the city.


– Eyes on Talents

Eyes on Talents invites the ten finalists of each category to have their page with profile and online portfolio on Eyes on Talents. The winners and finalists will benefit in addition with special communication towards Eyes on Talents member brands. www.eyesontalents.com