Models on & off the catwalk


Models on & off the catwalk


insta-picture by Alberto Gange (shot with an iPad mini)

Remembering Paris pret a porter, le modelle, queste entità astratte quasi impalpabili, bidimensionali sulle pagine dei magazine, avanzano nella luce degli spot light sulle passerelle, sembrano vivere di aria luci artificiali abiti scarpe coi tacchi…e invece sono delle ragazze, belle, bellissime, ma delle ragazze. E come ragazze le abbiamo incontrate fuori dai defilé, eccovi quindi una carrellata di modelle on & off the catwalk, scatti sulle passerelle e scatti un attimo dopo, quando i riflettori si spengono.

English Text

Remembering Paris pret a porter, models, these ethereal abstract creatures almost unreal, bidimensional on magazine’s pages, they walk trough the spotlights on the catwalks, they seems to be living on air/artificial light/clothes/high heels shoes…and guess what? They’re just girls, beautiful, stunning, but they’re girls, as simple as that.

And as girls we met them right outside the defilé, here you have pics of models on&off the catwalks…on the runway doing their model thing and few minutes after the spotlights go out…when they return being…girls!

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