This is not a street style photographer: Adam Katz Sinding

This is not a street style photographer: Adam Katz Sinding


This is not a street style photographer: Adam Katz Sinding

Photographer Adam Katz Sinding is one of the most interesting and strong personalities in the photo journalistic world full of unique views, undiscovered shapes and emotional colors. His photos, like he once said, are questions and answers at the same time, it also represents inner energy of the moment and spreads message of the exact moment. This young and talented person has launched his career in Seattle in 2007 since then keeps inspiring people not only by the images he makes, but also by the  work, time, love and dedication spent in the process.

Self-Taught + Self-Motivated. Adam Katz Sinding was born at 5:55a on 3-May-1983 in San Francisco, CA, and raised in Tacoma, WA. Living in Seattle, WA from 2001-2010, and a 6 month period in Paris, France, he now resides in Brooklyn, NY. Adam inherited his first camera equipment after his father’s death, and began shooting around. These pages show his evolution and inspiration over the years, with photos from travels around the world.

When and how you decided that you wanted to be a photographer? 

I didn’t “decide” at all. I just did it for fun, and then it eventually became my career.  I’m super lucky that it happened organically versus being forced.

It was your dream job?

Well, now, yes.  But when I was a kid I wanted to be a paleontologist. Really.

Which is the first thing you photographed?

With digital? A girl in Gasworks Park in Seattle. In film, I shot some photos in a black and white photography class when I was pretty young: maybe 13-14…so I don’t remember.  I recall shooting light and shadows on a concrete wall under a walking bridge.  But again, this was 20 years ago.

Who’s the photographer you admire the most and why?

That’s an impossible question. I guess Diane Arbus for her fearless ability to step into the lives of total strangers. But photographically…I love Vivien Sassen and Hans Furer.

When you take a photo, how do you live this moment. Can you detach yourself from reality?

I don’t really participate in the moment. I just watch things happen.  I am a voyeur.

Who’s the first person you have photographed?

My first real serious girlfriend.

If your photos had a soundtrack, which songs you’d choose?

It’s impossible to answer. Each photo and each day’s photos have their own mood. You cannot make a soundtrack that summarizes my whole life’s work.

If you weren’t a photographer which job you would like to do and why?

I would probably still be working in hotels. Helping people book cars, flights and dinner reservations( ugh).