Lady Dior limited edition by Marc Quinn

Lady Dior limited edition by Marc Quinn


Lady Dior limited edition by Marc Quinn    Italiano-Inglese-New11

Reinventare la collezione di borse Lady Dior, per far ciò la Maison ha collaborato con l’artista londinese Marc Quinn. Una figura rinominata nel mondo dell’arte contemporanea, l’artista trasla i suoi dipinti ad olio iperrealisti  alle creazioni Dior. Ha reinventato i modelli con su un lato un motivo floral preso dalle sue opere e sull’altro lo stesso motivo con i colori invertiti. Dalla sua serie “In the Night Garden”, violette e orchidee bianche o nere sbocciano su un fondale di neve o di suolo vulcanico creando un paesaggio artificiale dai toni drammatici. L’artista offre anche una Lady Dior “Fossil Record” con un fiore lavorato su pelle argento.

In questo modo la Lady Dior e i piccoli accessori in pelle vengono trasformati in “opere d’arte” attraverso cui l’artista interroga l’uomo e la sua relazione con la natura e la sua bellezza indomabile.

Con questa collaborazione la Maison scrive una nuova pagina nella storia del profondo e sincero legame che ha da sempre avuto con il mondo dell’arte.

To reinvent the collection of Lady Dior bags, the House collaborated with London-born artist Marc Quinn. A renowned figure in the world of contemporary art, the artist transposes his vivid, hyper-realist oil paintings to Dior creations. He has invented models with, on one side, a floral print drawn from his oeuvre and, on the other side, the same motif with the colours reversed. From his series ‘In the Night Garden’, violet, white or black orchids bloom against a backdrop of snow or volcanic earth, creating a dramatic, artificial landscape. The artist also offers a Lady Dior ‘Fossil Record’ bag – a flower relief embossed into silver leather.

The motifs depict flowers eternally frozen at the point of full bloom, belying a sinister subtext: the relentless desire of man to control nature.

In this way the Lady Dior and small leather accessories are transformed into artworks through which the artist questions man and his relationship with nature as untameable beauty. On another model, a bright blue iris from the series ‘We Share Our Chemistry with the Stars’ catches and captivates the eye.

The artist observes that “The etymology of “iris” is derived from the greek word for “rainbow” and in the colors there is a king of celebration of individuality. Furthermore, “in the middle you have that black hole of the pupil and all of the mystery and uncertainty of life”. Marc Quinn has also designed clutches and wallets to match the Lady Dior bags to complete this limited-edition collection.

With this unique collaboration, the House writes a new page in the story of the profound and sincere ties it has always enjoyed with the world of art.