Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Tbilisi Preview

Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Tbilisi Preview


Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Tbilisi Preview    Italiano-Inglese-New

È la prima edizione della Mercedes Fashion Week a Tbilisi ma già si preannuncia come una interessante vetrina di nuovi talenti e affermati designer georgiani e non solo, la manifestazione si terrà nella capitale dal 1 al 6 Maggio 2015.

Mercedes-Benz Fashion Days Tbilisi presenterà 24 sfilate fra designer locali e internazionali. Madrina della manifestazione Sofia Tchkonia, da sempre impegnata nel farsi promotrice dei talenti georgiani anche grazie all’organizzazione delle già note art festival ArtGeorgia e della competizione internazionale BENEXT che si svolgeranno quest’anno collateralmente all’evento.

Fra i numerosi ospiti che parteciperanno: Rad Hourani, Manish Arora, e Donald Potard il celebre fondatore di Jean Paul Gaultier e Jean Charles de Castelbajac.

Eccovi l’elenco dei designer della Georgia:Avtandili, Datuna Sulukashvili, Tamuna Ingorokva, Anuka Keburia, Atelier Kikala, Keti Chkhikvadze, Aka Nanitashvili, Gvantsa Janashia, GOLA, Nino Sepiashvili, Tengiz Sefiashvili, Teo Gardapkhadze, Simon Machabeli, Nino Babukhadia, Lako Bukia, Bessarion, Alexander Arutyunov e Tata Meparidze.

Ci sarà spazio anche per i brand ucraini: Poustovit, Litkovskaya, Lake Studio, Przhonskaya, Anna October.

This is the first edition of the Mercedes Fashion Week in Tbilisi but it already promises to be an interesting showcase of new talent and established designers and not only Georgians, the event will be held in the capital May 1 to 6 year 2015.

Mercedes-Benz Fashion Days Tbilisi will present 24 fashion shows from local and international designers. Sofia Tchkonia is the mind behind the event, she’s always committed to be at the forefront of Georgians talents also thanks to the organization of the already known art festival ArtGeorgia and the international competition BENEXT to be held this year during the fashion week.

Among the many guests attending: Rad Hourani, Manish Arora, Donald Potard the founder of Jean Paul Gaultier and Jean Charles de Castelbajac.

Here’s the list of the Georgia’s designers: Avtandili, Datuna Sulukashvili, Tamuna Ingorokva, Anuka Keburia, Atelier Kikala, Keti Chkhikvadze, Aka Nanitashvili, Gvantsa Janashia, THROAT, Nino Sepiashvili, Tengiz Sefiashvili, Teo Gardapkhadze, Simon Machabeli, Nino Babukhadia, Lako Bukia, Bessarion, Alexander Arutyunov and Tata Meparidze.

There will also be space for Ukrainians designers : Poustovit, Litkovskaya, Lake Studio, Przhonskaya, Anna October.

Here’s the program and the showroom.

Mercedes Fashion Days Tbilisi Agenda

Mercedes Benz FW Tbilisi Showroom