Top Tips for Returning to the Gym


Top Tips for Returning to the Gym


With 2019 quickly approaching, you might be thinking of the different ways you can improve your life come January 1 st – and top of your list might be to restore your fitness levels.
If you could once tackle the treadmill with ease, or would gladly hit the gym every other day, you might be considering getting back into your workout routine. If this is the case, check out these top tips for returning to the gym.

Let Go of Any Guilt
Entering the gym with a positive mental attitude is important. To do so, you must let go of any guilt you are holding onto about letting your workout routine slip.
Everyone will fall off the horse at some point in their lives, and this doesn’t mean you are undisciplined or weak. It means you are human.
If you keep beating yourself up for your past mistakes, you might be unable to move forward and embrace exercise again.

Resolve Any Health Issues First
While you might be eager to get back on the rowing machine or want to pump weights, it is vital to resolve any health issues first.
For example, never exercise if you are living with some form of physical pain, such as knee pain, hamstring pain, or quad strain, as doing so could cause long-term damage.
Instead, seek treatment from Airrosti who can both diagnose and resolve the source of pain and injuries, so you can return to the gym when you are 100% ready to do so.

Be Thankful for How Far You’ve Come
Rather than thinking of the goal you have yet to reach, continue to be thankful for how far you have come.
For example, last week you might have been happy to sit on the sofa, but this week you are heading to the gym. That’s progress.
Acknowledge every milestone you make, which will push you one step closer towards your goal.
Increase your endurance each day, perform one set more than you did the workout before, and spend ten minutes longer in the gym than the last time you exercised. It will ensure you return day after day.

Cut Yourself Some Slack
If you haven’t visited the gym in a while, the chances are you will not be able to run non-stop on a treadmill for half an hour or more – and that is okay.
Building up your speed and strength takes time, and the thought of returning to the gym can actually be more daunting than the workout itself. Ease yourself in slowly.
For example, your first day at the gym might look like this:

  • Put on workout clothing
  • Drive to the gym
  • Do 10 minutes walking on the treadmill
  • Do 10 minutes on the exercise bike
  • Perform three sets of dumbbell chest presses
  • Perform two sets of incline dumbbell chest presses

That is approximately half an hour of exercise, which you can increase in stages. Start off small and work your way up until you have reached your goals.

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